Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cotton Candy

There's nothing like a treat on a HOT summer day, so we got cotton candy at the Park snack bar. If sticky faces are a sign of a treat enjoyed, then our mission was a success!

Liberty Park Adventure

We had fun eating lunch and playing in Liberty Park with Janae, Paisley, Regan and Janae's sister in-law Marie and her son Eric. Travis even joined us for awhile. The kids LOVED getting wet. Later in the day when our friends left, we rode a couple of rides and rented paddle boats. It was a great day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Great Grandma came to town

My Grandma came to visit for a couple of days. The kids enjoyed hanging out with their Great Grandma. We drove to Bridal Veil Falls, went to This is the Place Heritage Park and showed her all the sites of Salt Lake. It was a great weekend.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Jon!!!!

Today is Jon's Birthday! He looked great in his Charger's T-shirt Kaitlin gave him for Father's Day! He got a matching hat for his Birthday! The picture of him plugging his ears was taken when we were singing Happy Birthday! What can I say, we can't all sound as good as Kami!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

For Father's Day Grammie baked a cake and helped all 6 kids decorate it to look like a shirt front. Kaitlin drew the collar, Jonah drew the tie knot, and Jared drew the tie. Kayleigh and the twins decorated the tie. (I took the picture hehe). We LOVE our Daddy and think he's the best!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sidewalk chalk fest

To way we went to the Gateway mall to see the sidewalk chalk artists and enjoy all the FREE vendors offering prizes for kids! The kids had their painted crazy colors, got temporary tattoos, balloon animals and more. WE got so much FREE stuff we filled the back of our van with goodies. When we were done with all of that, they played in the fountain and we listened to live bands perform. It was a great day!


Katie Brown got a new pet lizard named Spike. She let us come over and meet him. It was really funny when he stood up on his back legs and ran across the room.

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is the place Heritage Park

Today was "FREE" day at This is the PLace Heritage Park. Janae called and let us in on the news! We met Janae and Deborah and kids there. It was really fun. We even ate rootbeer flavored ice cream cones. It was crazy when the ox charged the fence and escaped a pen by the petting corral. Jacob laughed!
Jacob drove the kids on the playground train. (You can see Kloe and Jonny

Jon showed off his stilt walking skills!
Allison practicing to be a supermodel. (She's even more beautiful on the inside!)
MY ROCKIN' COOL friend Janae!
Jacob had big ambitions, but couldn't quite do it!
Kloe was great at washing clothes on a washboard. She wants one now!
Storks? No Jonah and Kayleigh!
Jacob loved the stream.

Jonathon and Deborah liked the pony ride!
Jonah liked his pony ride!
Kloe and Kayleigh wanted to bring Candy the pony home after their ride!
A view of part of the Heritage park.
Kaitlin waiting for the gang to catch up!
Jon was a busy "bee" in the hat shop! (PULL THE STRING AND THE WINGS MOVE TOO!)
Jon made friends with this calf. She fell asleep on his foot when he was petting her!
Upload ImageKayleigh looking like a princess with a floral tiara!
Cute Anna posing for me.

***Note*** Paisley and Issac, I had lots of shots of the backs of your heads or mad faces! :(