Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Celebration continued...... McDonald's!
The twins celebrated their 4th Birthday with their friends at McDonald's!
Thanks to everyone that came and helped us celebrate! Kloe declared it the "perfect" day!

Kloe got to show off her new haircut!
(Not self-imposed!)

Jacob was excited to eat a Happy Meal and play with his friends!

Here's the gang!

This is Jacob's 1/2 of the cake. It's Batman flying out of the Bat-Cave on a motorcycle! Notice he managed to eat his name off and sample other portions of the frosting prior to arriving at McDonald's!

This is Kloe's 1/2 of the cake. It's Littlest Pet Shop! (Her new passion!)

Opening "Presidents" was really fun!
Jacob loved this SO much he actually slept with the rocket! (Thanks Mason!)
Jacob really wanted Play-Doh and was excited about this gift!

When we came home the whole family helped the twins play with EVERYTHING!
Cousin Tyler came home with us and played for awhile too! It was really FUN! Jacob and Tyler set up the racetrack Jacob bought with his Birthday money from Papa Nick and GG.


The CEO said...

How fun. Happy Birthday to them! You're an amazing mom. Shanna

Deborah Moore said...

What a delight to see pictures from that party.

Anonymous said...

Those cakes look delicious! It looks like they had a great birthday. You are like a super mom Karrie making all your kids feel special on their big days :)