Friday, January 30, 2009

25 random facts about me

Today I was tagged by a friend on my facebook account to write 25 random things about myself. I have enjoyed reading everyone's list so much, I decided to post mine here and encourage you all to post or email yours. It really was a thought provoking experience!

My List:

1. Writing is on of my passions. For as long as I can remember, I have loved penning short stories and poems. I have 3 half written books that may or may not ever be finished because of my own fear of failure. I am my own worst enemy.

2. I am by nature a creative person. I always need to have a creative outlet. I believe this is the main reason why I became a floral designer.

3. I love photography! Being able to capture life as I see it for others to enjoy has a great appeal to me. I'm not very skilled at the art yet, but I am trying to study and practice so I can master it!

4. I am an only child. I have often joked that my parents did it right the first time!

5. I grew up living between my Grandmother and Great Grandmother's house! It became my ideal standard of living for all children. I have a strong sense of family that also applies to those that are family by choice not birth!

6. My favorite color is green because it's the color of Jon's eyes!

7. I am a cat person, I but I love dogs too! I believe a dog gives it up too easily where a cat makes you work for it! Since I have always lived life on my own terms, I appreciate the fact that a cat does too!

8. I love to read! Books ignite the imagination! ( Yes, I have even read the Twilight series and loved it! Who do you think got Kami to read them after months of prodding? If I'd only known I would create a monster...)

9. I own a sewing machine but could neither thread or operate it if you put a gun to my head! (Now if I can use a glue gun, stand back!)

10. I love to walk on the beach early in the morning when no other people are there. It is very Zen.

11. I have 7 children between the ages of 3 and 21. The youngest is a set of boy/girl twins. All the boys have a name that begins with a J, and the girls have names that begin with K. Birth order is girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy girl! What can I say, I like things organized!

12. I love to roller skate. I'm actually pretty dang good at it too!

13. I have been in love with the same person for over have my life. I believe this to be one of my greatest gifts!

14. I love Mr. Potato Head. I collect parts. I even bought 3 boxes of Disney pieces at Disney World, but still wanted more. Thank goodness for Ebay!

15. My van says soccer mom on it, but not one of my children has ever played on a soccer team. Go figure!

16. I am blessed to know and Love a LOT of people, but I can count on one hand the number of true friends I have that really know me!

17. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! (If I ever decide to grow up!)

18. I am certain that a goodly portion of my blood stream contains diet coke. It's the breakfast of champions!

19. I love the theater. There is no other experience in storytelling than can compare. I miss the days of CYT (Christian Youth Theater) with the kids. Our whole family was involved. What gifted experiences we had and treasured friends we made! Good Times!

20. I was a professional mime for a period in my life. Getting paid to clown around was awesome! Sadly, Kami's fear of clowns ended my career. As her mother, I simply could NOT be anything she feared!

21. I hate being cold. As a multi-generational native of California I believe it to be part of my heritage. You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the California out of the girl!

22. I once toilet papered a Honda Civic with over 100 rolls of toilet paper! (Sorry Guy!)

23. I am the type of friend that will hold your hand and cry with you when you are down or make a mistake. However, when the tears are dry, I will give you crap about it for the rest of your life! (Right Hester?)

24.I have a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor. I look for humor in all things! If you can laugh or cry, I will always choose to laugh! I usually laugh at myself! (It's just such a great constant source of raw material!)

25. I love music. I have varied taste. In my car CD changer I currently have Sinatra, U2, Rush, Rascal Flats, and the Across the Universe and Twilight soundtracks. As we speak, I am listening to jazz trumpet but it will quickly give way to the Doodlebops if the twins get their way!

And..bonus #26. I love to dance. I currently have a bet with my husband that if I achieve my fitness goals before he does his, he has to take swing dance lessons with me! So, I'm off to the gym now! Have a great day!


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