Friday, November 21, 2008

The spirit of Thanksgiving

I received inspiration from a great source (Shanna (sp?) the CEO of tater--tots) to post 3 things for which I am Thankful each day between now and Thanksgiving day. So here it goes....

1- I am SO Thankful to have an amazing husband and 7 healthy children. I know, it's so cliche' but seriously, I know some who have never found that one special person to share their life with, and others struggling to have children they want so badly. Both of these blessings have come to me almost effortlessly. For this I am eternally thankful!

2- I am Thankful to have always known that I am loved. I over heard a woman talking to her friend in line at the grocery store awhile back. She was saying that she wasn't sure if she had ever really been loved by anyone. Her parents had abused her, foster care families, and so on and so on. It really made me think. There has never been a time in my life that I didn't know for certain that I was/am loved. I grew up surrounded by a doting family, a mother who made me the center of her universe, and friends everywhere. I married my very best friend who is constantly reminding me of his love and devotion. I also have the unconditional love (at times lol) of my children. I have been blessed with great friends and so on and so on. Most importantly, I know that my Heavenly Father loves me.

3- I am Thankful for the gift of friendship. I have been blessed with amazing and wonderful friends who have changed my life for the better. From the tried and true forever since forever like Toni and Lauren, to newer friends who have each already left an imprint on my heart. (Gail, Janae, Janet, Deborah, Julie, and oh so many more!) For calling my mom and mother in law friends, as well as my daughters. What a gift!



Anonymous said...

You are so awesome Karrie, I don't think you even realize how many people are thankful for you :) I know you'd be on my list. Thanks for all you've done for me.

The CEO said...

Love it!! Thanks for sharing. Shanna

Deborah Moore said...

That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.
I'm thankful to my family, to River for her thankful prayers that go on and on. And for my awesome husband and best friend who gets me and makes me what to be a better person
To awesome friends, such as yourself and so many other awesome individuals who support me and teach me. My friends and family are my safety nets.
At the moment I'm thankful for the internet. Call me nerdy, but i love knowledge and I love an age where we can look up so many things. I've been researching a lot of things lately.

Anonymous said...

you didn't mention paul.... :(